Home Activist Training: Nonviolent Change Resources, Skills, More Middle East Crisis: Act Now! “An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind.” – Mahatma Gandhi See Bill Moyer’s final training video and his highly acclaimed Movement Action Plan,plus 8 Stages, 4 Roles and Strategy below. Below: Movement for a New Society alums perform a “light-and-lively” (2-minute ice-breaker game) at their 2009 Reunion. Training Centers, Trainers, Courses,Webinars, Workshops & More NOTE: An * indicates those founded or largely led by MNS alumni 350.org & Power Up Climate Actions & Trainings *Training For Change: Movement Capacity Building at the Grassroots *Beautiful Trouble: Trainings in Nonviolent Strategy &Tactics to Win; custom, any group or size; low-cost or free *Nonviolence International (NVI), archive, database, webinars, internships; DC *International Center on Nonviolent Conflict (ICNC) *United for a Fair Economy: Toolkit, workshops, guides, charts, reports, events TheChangeAgency.org: An extensive library of activist educationand training resources to achieve social and environmental justice Center for Third World Organizing: To help build and sustaina thriving racial justice movement led by communities of color CWA: Labor, Union and Worker Power: Archives, Guide and Manual Highlander Research and Education Center : Grassroots organizingand movement building in Appalachia and the South *Institute for Policy Studies: Wash., DC (See Chuck Collins and John Feffer) James Lawson Institute: Training for nonviolent direct action and civil rights Midwest Academy (also its Community Organizing Internship ) Sojourner Truth School for Social Change Leadership *Sociocracy For All: Egalitarian self-governance, facilitation skills,Nonviolent Communication (NVC), and guide, “Many Voices One Song” Youth Activism Project: Helps teens build skills, networks and resources to lead *Waging Nonviolence: News, Analysis and 8 skills of a well-trained activist ActivistsToolbox.com: Youth site offers tools, info and advice for effective action MORE LINKS for Activist Training: Nonviolent Change Resources, Skills, More ACLU People Power Resistance Training Green Corps Sierra Club Activist Training Series (environment and energy)https://activisttraining.org/ Organizing Guides, Manuals, Kits & Databases Beautiful Trouble, Beautiful Solutions & BT Strategy Card Deck:Tools and an international network of artist-activist trainers tomake grassroots movements more creative and more effective DIGITAL LIBRARY OF NONVIOLENT RESISTANCE & ARCHIVE (of training manuals, Rutgers University, with NVI and ICNC above) GLOBAL NONVIOLENT ACTION DATABASE: Largest searchablecompilation of campaigns and actions going back 150 years (hosted bySwarthmore College Peace Collection, begun by George Lakey) MACROANALYSIS STUDY GROUPS & START GUIDE (developed by MNSers) &Building a Peace System: Summary & 330-page pdf ( email Bob Irwin for readings ) The Commons Social Change Library: The Activists’ Handbook,Coalition Building, and Ten Great Resources on Activist Well-being This Is an Uprising: How nonviolent revolt is shaping the Twenty-First Century ; 2016 by Mark and Paul Engler, TheNation Books The Albert Einstein Institution (founded by Dr. Gene Sharp and Robert Irwin) Why Nonviolence: Free 10-page PDF; History + Methods, Theory + Relevance, Q+A, Wikipedia, READ MORE Nonviolent Resistance and Prevention of Mass Killings During Popular Uprisings (May 2018) Labor, Union and Worker Power: Archives, Guide and Manual The People Power Manual: A resource for activist educators Resource Manual for a Living Revolution (MNS 1981, aka “the Monster Manual”) Organizing for Social Change: Midwest Academy Manual for Activists Creative Community Organizing: A Guide for Rabble-Rousers, Activists, and Quiet Lovers of Justice by Si Kahn FAIR’s Media Activism Kit, Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting Fighting Toxics: A Manual for Protecting your Family, Community, and Workplace, from Island Press Global Activist’s Manual: Local Ways to Change the World Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals by Saul Alinsky. Books by George Lakey How We Win: A Guide to Nonviolent Direct Action Campaigning Powerful Peacemaking: Strategy for a Living Revolution Viking Economics: How the Scandinavians Got It Right – and We Can, Too Facilitating Group Learning. Books by Dr. Gene Sharp, The Albert Einstein Institution The Politics of Nonviolent Action: Volumes I to III From Dictatorship to Democracy, A Conceptual Framework for Liberation The Anti-Coup Waging Nonviolent Struggle And many more books and articles.. See ActivistTools.org for more best resources for Activist Training: Nonviolent Change Resources, Skills, More Also links for free Books & Videos andalternative, independent book sellers! Click each image to enlarge it. The Movement Action Plan (MAP):8 Stages, 4 Roles, Campaign Strategy “Doing Democracy: The MAP Model for Organizing Social Movements.”This essential guide provides the most usable theory and working model for understanding and analyzing citizen movements and how they can best succeed in the long term. Bill Moyer (with co-authors JoAnn McAllister, Mary Lou Finley and Steven Soifer), brilliantly compare MAP to nine popular models of social movements taught at universities, and apply MAP to five social movements: civil rights, anti-nuclear energy, gay and lesbian rights, breast cancer, and anti-corporate globalization. They conclude with a chapter on the future of activist strategies. Four Roles of Activists: Effective vs. Counterproductive The 8 Stages of Social Movements SLIDESHOW: 7 Graphic charts explain MAP’s 8 Stages Strategy and Tactics Overview by Bill Moyer Order “Doing Democracy” or Borrow it free! Also from CommonsLibrary.org See a further exploration in This Is an Uprising: HowNonviolent Revolt Is Shaping the Twenty-First Centuryby Mark & Paul Engler; See DemocracyUprising.com Bill Moyer, MNS co-founder and developer of the widely acclaimed “Movement Action Plan” authored many seminal resources linked at ActivistTraining.org, including: “A Nonviolent Action Manual” “Dedeveloping the U.S. through Nonviolence” “Rome II: A Strategy Game on World Hunger” Movement Action Plan video: Moyer’s final (48 mins.) Author Bill Moyer (1933-2002) was a globally acclaimed organizer, writer, educator and trainer in nonviolent social movements, active in a dozen countries for forty years. He was SCLC (Southern Christian Leadership Conference) staff for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., the American Friends Service Committee, Movement For A New Society, Keystone Safe Energy Alliance, and Executive Director of the Social Movement Empowerment Project in San Francisco. (See his wiki page.)– Find more links & leads at ACTIVISTTOOLS.ORG for Activist Training: Nonviolent Change Resources, Skills ABOUT THIS SITEThis compendium of the best skill-building, educational resources for effective “action with Reflection” (praxis) builds upon the lessons, experience and theory of nonviolent action and struggles for: colonial liberation; labor, civil and human rights; and peace, justice and ecology. Much here is based on the “analysis, vision and strategy” of Movement for a New Society (MNS 1971-1988), allied organizations, and the highly effective ongoing campaigns and movements they continue to inform and inspire. [Privacy Page] Find more at ActivistTools.org, MovementforaNewSociety.org, MNS Authors+Books, and key and historic resources and records from scores of activist NGOs in the Swarthmore Library Peace Collection.Email us at: Activist (AT) ActivistTools.org Activist Training: Nonviolent Change Resources, Skills, More Please share links to this site widely by text,email, and any apps and services below: