About ABOUT ACTIVISTTRAINING.ORG A compendium of the best skill-building, educational resources for effective “action with Reflection” (praxis). These incorporate and build upon the lessons, experience and theory of nonviolent action and struggles for: colonial liberation; labor, civil and human rights; and peace, justice and ecology. Much here is based on the “analysis, vision and strategy” of Movement for a New Society (MNS 1971-1988), allied organizations, and the highly effective ongoing campaigns and movements they continue to inform and inspire. Find more at ActivistTools.org, MovementforaNewSociety.org, MNS Authors+Books, and key and historic resources and records from scores of activist NGOs, in the Swarthmore Library Peace Collection. Email us at: Activist (AT) ActivistTools.org Please share links to this site with activists and everyone you can by email, text, and any apps and services below: